US/Canadian Maritimes

Doug left home May 15 and drove to Connecticut—his usual 4,700 miles for 3,200 to go straight there. Marilyn flew to Connecticut two weeks after he left. We arrived in Nova Scotia via ferry from Bar Harbor ME June 9. We usually don’t keep up with the blog very well on the road. Were introduced to Polarsteps by fellow travelers. Link is below if you wish to “travel” with us. Can draft offline and publish when we find service, unlike the blog. We’ll be back here sometime. Currently in Wolfville NS. As always, thanks for following us. 

Elkenwood Lake Provincial Park NS

To use Polarsteps tap any circle on the map or slide rectangles left and right


  1. Hey, you two! Great to 'hear' from you! Are you using 2 ways to post msgs - the OLD one AND the NEW one? Or is the old one fading away? Anyway you can - we miss you!

  2. Anonymous6/15/2024

    Hi, Dan. Marilyn here. Google is making me comment on my own blog anonymous 🫤. We’d love to see you! We’ll have to make that happen. Anyway, I can’t write a draft on our blog, add pics etc unless I’m online. Even if I were, posts tend not to get done much during our travels. In Canada we have limited cell service and rarely internet. With Polarsteps I can do everything offline, then when we have service it will post. I’m kind of waiting to see how people respond to Polarsteps. 😎

  3. Stunning photos as usual, and connecting pix to the map is a great idea. All those breweries you guys passed; amazing you made it as far as you did. What's with all the tilting houses? Or was the photographer ... uh ... tilted?

    1. Anonymous6/29/2024

      Thanks, Scott. Probably the photographer 😎. Marilyn

  4. Anonymous6/23/2024

    Hi from Dave and Deb. We met at Morrison’s Restaurant in Nova Scotia! We are headed back to NY. We look forward to following your blog and travels! It’s sure to inspire some of our future road trips. All the best!

    1. Anonymous6/29/2024

      Hello! Thanks for commenting and following our blog! Glad we can inspire. Marilyn and Doug


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